aka Account Retention Triggers
What is it?
Account Management Triggers is a screening tool designed to help identify consumers with a near-term risk of default or late payment. This screening tool alerts lenders to recent changes in credit activity, including changes in credit behavior over time, late payments, recent defaults, and more. This product is a consumer report regulated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).
Account Management Triggers help lenders proactively manage portfolio performance with insight from robust credit risk indicators. Leverage the power of the Equifax consumer credit database combined with predictive credit indicators and triggers to help identify consumers with a near-term risk of default or late payment. This intuitive screening tool helps monitor credit and identify trouble spots before they impact your portfolio.
By delivering actionable intelligence, Account Management Triggers can help you:
Improve overall portfolio performance
Mitigate risk exposure
A comprehensive view across the accounts in your portfolio keeps you focused on performance, management, and minimizing risk.
Understand where and when to take action with proactive insight provided by key indicators, including:
Recent changes in credit activity
Changes in credit behavior over time
Tradeline account characteristics
Late payments
Utilization trends
Recent defaults
Account Management Triggers - Risk-based Trigger List - 3.2020