Economic Cohorts is an open-market solution.

What is it?

Economic Cohorts® provides vital visibility into household economics, something that's missing from other consumer segmentation products. It enables you to segment customers and prospects based on households' estimated economic positions (estimated total income, spending, financial durability, and likely credit capacity), in combination with the key demographic, lifecycle/lifestage, behavioral, lifestyle, and geographic attributes you expect from a leading consumer segmentation system.

Who it’s for

  • Marketers: Refine and optimize target audiences and marketing campaigns

  • Analysts: Incorporate data into predictive models and in-house segmentation systems

  • Agency: Implement marketing segmentation activities and campaigns on behalf of clients

  • Customer Insights: Deepen understanding of target audiences, growth opportunities & high growth geos

Key Benefits

This flexible solution provides additional data to help you better understand, target, and communicate with customers and prospects.

  • Enables identification and targeting of top customer clusters

  • Helps tailor communications based on economic profiles

  • Enhances both offline and online targeting

  • Leverages unique and proprietary household economic information

  • Developed for use in non-FCRA applications across the customer lifecycle

More information on Economic Cohorts

Solutions > IXI > Economic Cohorts