How our customers receive invoices
Formerly BillTrust
iReceiveables allows us or a customer to access current invoices, previous invoices, and the status of the invoices. You can also view the current Delivery Method and Delivery Contact.
To make changes to the delivery contact or delivery method, contact the Client Engagement Team or click here (must open with eFX VDI). This spreadsheet is imported every Monday.
When requesting the most recent invoice, you must provide the customer number or the most recent invoice number. Otherwise, your results may be skewed and delayed.
Issuing credits requires a billing analyst to review it. This requires a Finance and Accounting Ticket (called an F&A Ticket), which can be found in the same database that the ARTAD (credit submissions) occur in.
NOTE: The Service Level Agreement (SLA) for review is five days. You must ensure the ticket is accurate and complete; the more information, the better. Otherwise, if there is a question from the billing analyst, the 5-day SLA time window begins again.
Approved credits are submitted (ARTAD) by the billing analyst. This can take up to 15 days to process.
If a credit is to be issued, the credit memos are there and can be accessed through iReceivables. It will appear as “CM1-Invoice Number.”